Thursday, 25 April 2013

The End!! 25th April

Opening Balance:1718.82 

WOW! That's it!! The End of a fairly manic 4 weeks.

Incredible Support from everyone, Thank You.

So the Final Balance is.... £2146.02 

CrowdFunder is on £621.00

These four weeks have contained, meeting with the local MP George Eustice, a fab campaign across social networking sites, contacting local newspapers and radios, website offers and promotions, and two amazing facebook sales, along with the Crowdfunder.

Now the target hasn't been reached on time, meaning that unfortunately the shop has to close and will be empty by the last day of April. Its really sad to be saying good bye to Heartlands, but I do actually think its for the best. It gives me a chance to reassess the situation for RelaxAhh.

The support that have all showed means RelaxAhh isn't gone for good.

I will spend a month or so on line, before using the money that has been raised/invested etc on a new shop somewhere in a busier High Street. I am taking Birthday Party Bookings still and I will be doing some Craft Stalls along the way - its not over for RelaxAhh.

CrowdFunder has a set length of time of 30 days... there are 13 left... so if we can get that to £2000 that's the new shop set up funds.

You have all been so amazing and fab throughout this whole journey. I can only thank everyone of you. The plan was to shut the business completely if I didn't reach the target. You have all been so supportive and so amazing that I want fight on beyond these four weeks battle through, get somewhere new and keep going! So Thank You.

From here its not over, not for me and not all other small businesses. Overall, small businesses need support. Please Shop Local, and please shop handmade. Not only is it a more pleasant experience, the quality of product genuinely better, your also doing a little good! :D  Please keep your support for RelaxAhh and other small businesses.

Once again - the biggest Thank You ever to you all.

Final Balance: £2146.02 

CrowdFunder: £621.00

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Day 27 - Tuesday 23rd April

Opening Balance: £1702.80

2 days to go - that's 48 hours till 5.00 on Thursday when it has officially been 4 weeks.

I wanted to thank everyone again, but also I thought it was time to explain to you all on a personal level why these 4 weeks have been so important to me.

Business for many of us, is the equivalent to having a child or a baby. We start with a small sum of money and then put it towards creating a business. With effort and energy we try to watch it grow. We say goodbye to everything, good bye to a regular guaranteed income, good bye to spare time, good bye to a social life, good bye to clothes shopping and instead we say hello to long days of hard work, and evenings of paper work.

So then why do we do it?

I did it because I feel strongly about natural relaxation, about essential oils, about working with kids in a positive way and about being in charge of my own life. I love every day of running my business.

But like parenting, there isn't always a correct way to do something and sometimes mistakes are made. No ones perfect after all. Business isn't a guaranteed success and yes businesses do have to fight for survival. Especially in these economic climates.

As I said we all make mistakes, we have to, because no business will take off without a well thought out gamble or two. Sometimes these pay off and sometimes inevitably they don't.

On  Saturday I celebrated the shop being open for a whole year. Until September the shop was a huge success. But Winter has been harsh and due to the nature of having a shop at a seasonal tourist location of which 7 weeks will be fantastic, but only 4 months being good, and the rest a struggle, I have had to think outside of the box. But inevitably the business has suffered.

Someone said to me yesterday after asking how the 4 weeks are going, "Makes you wonder, if you'd tried this hard from the start, your business may be successful." Despite the initial reaction of annoyance, I considered the statement. I can honestly say that I put my life and soul into the business from the beginning, and if nothing else, that is why I'd be devastated if the business failed. But this four weeks was about proving it isn't a failure.

This four weeks was about proving that if you want something enough, and work hard enough and get enough people of board anything is possible, despite how difficult the odds are, and the result would hopefully be that I could rescue my business. What the four weeks actually proved so far, is that you are all amazing, and that there are some truly fantastic supportive people, willing to support small businesses not just corporations. And each and everyone of you proved to me that even if I don't make the 4K then the business hasn't failed, and I may not have a shop, and I may have to think outside of the box again, but I certainly shouldn't give up and that perhaps all it takes is one last burst of energy and enthusiasm mixed in with creative thinking and this business could be a success.

I still believe it should be possible to rescue a business in 4 weeks, its not fair that the energy and effort that we all put in to make money, to get off the benefit ladder, to make a difference to either our own lives or other peoples lives, should fail. And the odds are stacked against us, the government and the banks aren't exactly supportive, business rates and rents are extortionate, and there's a lot of people that find convenience more easier than local or handmade, (in fact I think we all suffer from that sometimes!)

But its not over yet... there are two days and two days make a HUGE difference. Following the success of last weeks Facebook Sale there will be another sale on Wednesday (tomorrow) which will have the lowest prices I've ever had.

Crowd Funder deserves another HUGE push as well.

So lets do it.... lets prove it is possible and lets spend the last 48 hours REALLY making a difference.

Thank You all of you.

Closing Balance: £1718.82
Crowd Funder Balance: £415.00 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Day 25 - Sunday 21st April

Opening Balance: £1681.30

4 days left!!! eeeek.

Once again here is a big Thank You to everyone that has got involved so far. You have all been amazing.

I believe that it is safe to say - I haven't reached the 4K.

HOWEVER - Lets not give up! I'm not giving up yet. There is 4 days - and with a HUGE push from everyone - it could work.

There will be a Flash Sale Facebook and Website Sale on Wednesday Eve to make up some funds.

Otherwise - Crowdfunder is where there needs to be a BIG push. PLEASE pop on to invest a few quid for some amazing rewards and tell EVERYONE about it!!

There's not much more I can say right now - yesterday I was busy with the guides and then a lovely afternoon workshop and today is Sunday and has been very quiet!

Please remember to share, share and share on Facebook, and to tell everyone about RelaxAhh. Thank You

Closing Balance: £1702.80

CrowdFunder Balance: £330.00

Friday, 19 April 2013

Day 23 - Friday 19th April

Opening Balance: £1192.90

It sure has been a fab few days. Thank You to everyone that has supported and been fab as per usual.

So I learnt that Facebook 'Sales' are amazingly successful. £450 approx in two hours!! It was amazing, really hard work but I honestly cant believe how amazing it was - Tempted to throw another one in next Wednesday seen as the Thursday is the last push before the final date of the 4 weeks for 4K Challenge.

So far Facebook has been my saving grace, its helped both the business and my sanity immensely.

I did the first of two workshops today, it was fun and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. Yet again some lovely people showed support in bucket loads, choosing not to take advantage of the offer and pay full price, which I was just a little (although secretly) choked up about.

I'm now looking forward to tomorrow's workshop as well.

So I need £320.00 more in Sales and Bookings and then CrowdFunder ALOT more. But it could be possible right?

I'm thinking really hard... less than a week left - in fact 5 days left... of all sorts of ways to make money in a week, including throwing some items into a car boot!!

Just in case I don't make the money I'm writing lists and MindMaps and idea boards of all possible solutions to the problem or ways around it... it is safe to say there's nothing really coming up. I guess I have a week to come up with something - just in case.

But I am staying confident. With lots more sharing - with a few more new ideas - this is possible.

Thank You all so much for all that you have all done. Please keep it up for five more days, Thanks!

Closing Balance: £1681.30
Crowd Funder: £315.00

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Day 21 - Wednesday 17th April

Opening Balance: £1146.92

I'm not going to say a lot this evening, I have the worst timing ever and caught the dreaded lurgy so my brain is all a bit foggy.

Just wanted to tell you about a new offer I'm running on - A local Artist called Louise Gale has very cleverly and kindly come up with a different sort of incentive.

Buy £10.00 of RelaxAhh goodies and have the chance the buy one of her limited edition prints for only £5.00 (usually £15.00)! Its an amazing offer and such a beautiful print.

A few reminders - Fridays soapy party is all booked up! There are however a few spaces in the Saturday Party.

Thursdays big Facebook Sale is still happening! It will start dead on the dot of 8.30. There are a limited number of items available so make sure you get in there quick!

Ok - another HUGE thank you to everyone that has been involved so far. Unfortunately there is one week and one day left so there is a LOT of catching up to do!! Please keep sharing and spreading the RelaxAhh word.

Closing Balance: £1192.90
CrowdFunder Balance: £305.00

Monday, 15 April 2013

Day 19 - Monday 15th April

Opening Balance: £1118.93

Its the end of Day 19 - meaning there is only 9 days left! Times getting a bit tight so it really is important that this all picks up a notch.

On the website is a Geranium Cup Cake Soap - I have 860 Facebook likes on the RelaxAhh page, if everyone of those bought one cupcake soap - I'd be well on my way towards achieving the target of four K. Only two people have done that so far...

I am trying my hardest to not get stressed and frustrated. But I cant keep expecting the same people to pay up and to share, in order to spread the word we ALL need to share things and tell people about everything, this HAS to spread beyond you few amazing people who I am so greatful for. My frustration is that it just isn't spreading like that!! Make this the night! Spread it, share it, and like it. If you have never shared a RelaxAhh Facebook post, or never shared the Blog, never shared a picture, never taken the plunge to buy a RelaxAhh item but want too, then tonight is your night.

For some good news the 'party' on Friday Night - it is now fully booked!! There are still places for the Saturday afternoon 'party'!!!

Pay £6.00 for two hours of a Workshop! Make a Face-mask and a Soap and decorate packaging, with Tea and Coffee included. Bring a Friend for free. :) Every one that turns up will receive a goody bag too!! How can you resist!

Crowdfunder pledges have slowed down, in yesterdays blog I stated all the amazing rewards that would be given, they really are fantastic, so go for it!!

I am warming up towards offering a few incentives, in collaboration with a local Cornish artist, also a very amazing and supportive friend. Keep your eyes peeled.

Right, There's a Week and 2 days left... so lets do this!! Tell EVERYONE!!! Even your postman, or your cashier in the local market!

Again, Thank You to everyone that has, will and is providing much needed support - I literally love you!!!

Closing Balance: £1146.92
CrowdFunder Balance: £305.00

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Day 18 - Sunday 14th April

Opening Balance: £1071.62

Its been a really lovely Sunday, had some friends visit in the shop which ended up being a fantastic business thinking session! We're changing some of our packages a little, better value for you and better value for us! :)

Facebook has started to get a bit quieter, Massive thank you to every one that is already, but in order to achieve this challenge it really does take everyone to get behind it, to share something, to like something! :) Thank You 

Crowd Funder is the other place that needs a HUGE push. That money does not leave your account and I don't get anything unless it reaches £2000.00 - Please please share it and tell every one all about it!

Crowd Funder isn't something for nothing!!! There are amazing rewards!


No thanks, I just want to help the pitch

We'll send you a Pack of Soaps worth £7.50

A Gift Voucher worth £15.00 to spend on any products of your choice at

A Gift Voucher worth £22.00 to spend on any products of your choice at

We'll send you a fabulous gift hamper with £35.00 worth of Skin Care products and soaps.

A six month RelaxAhh Club Membership where you will receive 2 soaps, a Body Cream or Mousse, and a Hand Cream or Bath Product each month, along with extra freebie goodies and gifts from RelaxAhh

3 X £50.00 Gift Vouchers to give to friends as presents or too spend on your self.

A years subscription to the RelaxAhh Club, worth 150.00 plus 2 X£50.00 Gift Vouchers, A large bespoke Luxury Hamper worth £80.00 and a large box of sample goodies

I made an etsy shop today too!! As you all know from earlier in the blog - that's a big deal!! Well I've only gone and done it!!! I hope that brings in some more customers and income!! :D

Ok that's it for this eve from me I need to eat a roast dinner.  Thank You everyone for your support!!!

Closing Balance: £1118.93
CrowdFunder Balance: £295.00

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Day 17 - Saturday 13th April

Opening Balance: £1001.40

My Friends are Amazing! Just starting with that because I owe them all alot for last night! They were fantastic, supportive, full of ideas - and more importantly some new ideas! It was fantastic. Thank you to them and to everyone else that was so supportive.

A very lovely lady I met on Facebook gave me the idea of a Facebook Sale! This is how it will work...

Over the next few days I will upload an Album with photos, descriptions and prices and how many are on offer. 

Then at 8.30 on Thursday 18th you can comment on the photos how many you would like - (1 please). If there is a choice to them (1 blue) please. There will be limited numbers due to stock so please be quick. 

When you have said all that you would like - PM me your e-mail and I will send you a Paypal Invoice. (please ensure all invoices are paid within 24hours please!) 

Please join in this event here:

In other news - I only have four spaces left on each my Fri and Saturday Soapy Party! :) If you'd like to come please e-mail

Please don't forget CrowdFunder money is only given to me, if enough people pledge it up too £2000. Please grab the link and send to as many interested people as possible. Please! :) And if on Facebook give it a good share.

I am knackered with the 7 day working week, and yesterday my temper was fraying, today however I'm back on track, and ready for it! There is just less than two weeks. I have to make £1730.00 of Pledges for Crowd Funder and £929.00 via purchases, lets make this happen.

Please share photos, statuses, and specifically the Crowd Funder site.

Thank You everyone.

Closing Balance: £1071.62
CrowdFunder £270.00

Friday, 12 April 2013

Day 15/16 - Thursday/Friday 11th/12th April

Opening Balance: £948.83

As some of you may have noticed I didn't do the blog yesterday, I was absolutely shattered. I worked till 7 in the shop and then left the computer there (by accident) and so crashed out watching  rubbish TV. To be honest it was probably what I needed.

So all orders have been dispatched (apart from one) so I'm ready for more!

So the in the last blog I mentioned my meeting with Mr George Eustice, this was awesome for RelaxAhh as he did a plug on the Radio and I believe he is trying to get it in the local paper for Thursday.

My un-optional challenge isn't going so well at the moment. As you know I don't get the crowdfunder money unless it reaches £2000.00 and at its current level of £220.00, I'm not overly sure its going to get there.

Internet Sales have dropped after its initial rush, and so I'm now scratching my head of new things to do to try and get the word out there or to solve the situation.

I have considered moving premises to somewhere with higher footfall but again you need money to do that and to redo all of my marketing material. I have considered changing to craft stalls again, but again, financially although I make allot of them on the days I do it, there aren't enough of them, and its time consuming to make a healthy batch of soaps etc etc, so could I do it along side a job? Well I'm not sure, I'm sure the answers will come in time.

I have been thinking of many different marketing stunts, including running around town in some sort of 50's house wife get up, selling and advertising but frankly with my current contract saying I have to be open 7 days a week when I will have time to do that I don't know!!

Its starting to feel like its a dead end now. As I said before I am NOT one to give up, but as many people said to me, there's no point in flogging a dead horse.

BUT I have two weeks left, and I do believe in miracles - (sort of). There is the possibility of a few wholesale orders. So I'm hoping they come in sooner rather than later. I am going to try and keep the Facebook love going. So if everyone can pick one thing be it a Post, a status, a photo, a link or anything and share it, and then ask your friends to share it. It can go viral.

I am also going to try a bit of video marketing. SO if you have bought a lovely RelaxAhh product and you really like it! Please make a short video (30secs-1.00min) of you describing your experience with RelaxAhh and what the product is like - please e-mail it too, I will put it on the YouTube channel. Each entry will get a Soapy goody, and then the video with the highest amount of views by the end of the four week challenge will win a HUGE gift basket.

Please get sharing RelaxAhh. I refuse to give up (for at least two more weeks) so get on board everyone please, and lets make this a roaring success and prove that against ALL odds it is possible.

Thank You for all of your support so far, and thank you for all of the positive and constructive comments. Its that amazing support that is keeping me together and keeping this all driving forward.

Much love from me at RelaxAhh

Closing Balance: £1001.40
CrowdFunder Balance: £220.00

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Day 14 - Wednesday 10th April

Opening Balance: £906.95

Well today has been a very awesome day. It has been quiet financially I'll admit. However, The support you are all showing is just fantastic so Thank You! Please, if you know anyone that may want to buy some pampering goodies, or want to get involved in helping out a small business, then please tell them about RelaxAhh.

So I have some exciting news. Today I met Mr George Eustice, the MP for Camborne, Pool, Redruth and Hayle. He came to visit me in the shop/studio. As you may have read in an earlier blog, I emailed him last week. Well, he responded, and today he came to have a look and to have a chat about the situation and what he could do to help contribute towards the cause.

We discussed the business, the location, finances and then of course, what he, as my local MP, could do to help. So a Photo Opportunity later, and I am hopeful it will appear in the West Briton (large local paper) and from the sounds of it maybe even a plug on the local Radio Station.

I am genuinely quite excited about how today really could have given my campaign a good boost, but also in that it raises the profile of the small businesses struggle even more.

As I say I hope that this will be bring even more support for the 4K in 4 weeks Challenge, But tomorrow is the start of Week 3 and time is FAST running out. £500 a week is just not hitting it!! So My lovelies, please keep sharing, keep spreading the love.

Don't forget to keep an eye on our Facebook page for offers and news! And tomorrow I should hopefully be able to show you some photos from today! :)

If you want to get involved in my 4 weeks for 4K please check out or!! PLEASE Share and Please send to everyone that may be interested!!! :D Thank You xxx


Closing Balance: £948.83
Crowd Funder Balance: £190.00

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Day 13 - Tuesday 9th April

Opening Balance: £895.45

If I was giving my blogs titles, today's would be called 'waiting'. I'm waiting for the next few days that should trigger a massive push in the campaign.

Financially it hasn't been a great day.

There have been lots of decisions made, lots of products made, and lots of packages put in the post. But with 2 weeks and one day to make just over £3000.00. There is a task and a half there!

I have been asked to remind you all that, I will only get the Crowd Funder Money and Your pledges will only be taken if I reach £2000.00 so please get everyone you know involved. This is possible, but only with all of you.

I'm keeping it really short and sweet today!

If you want to get involved in my 4K 4week Challenge... then please pop on to,

Or finally

Please Send this to everyone that you know! :D Thank you.

Closing Balance: £906.95

CrowdFunder Balance: £125.00

Monday, 8 April 2013

Day 12 - Monday 8th April

Opening Balance: £824.37

WOW!!! Wow and yes another wow!!!! Today has been a bit of a day!

Firstly, a big Thank You to every one that stepped yesterday, your support was amazing and really makes such a HUGE difference. I almost want to write every single one of you amazing supporters a personalized Thank You card, but I have neither the time nor the money, so here it is... Thank You.

The Crowd Funding Video yesterday got some amazing shares, and a large range of comments.
The exciting bit is that you can now see this as part of my Crowdfunder page... 

For those of you which don't know how it works, lovely customers, general public, total strangers basically any one can go online, pledge a certain amount and in return receive an amazing reward once the total amount has been raised.

Here are the rewards that I am offering:

£ 5 We'll send you a Pack of Soaps worth £7.50 

£ 10 A Gift Voucher worth £15.00 to spend on any products of your choice at
£ 15 A Gift Voucher worth £22.00 to spend on any products of your choice at
£ 25 We'll send you a fabulous gift hamper with £35.00 worth of Skin Care products and soaps.
£ 50 A six month RelaxAhh Club Membership where you will receive 2 soaps, a Body Cream or Mousse, and a Hand Cream or Bath Product each month, along with extra freebie goodies and gifts from RelaxAhh
£ 100 3 X £50.00 Gift Vouchers to give to friends as presents or too spend on your self.
£ 250 A years subscription to the RelaxAhh Club, worth 150.00 plus 2 X£50.00 Gift Vouchers, A large bespoke Luxury Hamper worth £80.00 and a large box of sample goodies

Its a way of reaching even more people and has been very successful for lots of businesses!!

So pop on and have a look, now because if I don't receive the target amount, no-one parts with any money and I don't receive a penny I will have a separate sub total for the crowd funding money raised on the bottom of the Blog! 

There is so much more exciting news that I got today, that will help to progress with my 4K in  4 weeks challenge!! This will be revealed later in the week due to the fact that I'm actually not allowed to yet! (That must mean its exciting!) Await Blog Posts on Wednesday and Friday. 

The heat is starting to rise on my 4K in 4 weeks challenge! Please keep the spotlight on it. Please keep sharing and liking and loving the Facebook Page and the Twitter Page @RelaxAhh and the website,

Thank you! :) 

Closing Balance: £895.45

Crowdfunder Balance: £110.00

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Day 11 - Sunday 7th April

Opening Balance : 771.41

Its Day 11 - I literally cant believe how quick it is all going! Scary to be honest. The support everyone is showing is still fab, but I have to up the heat on this! We have breached the £800.00 mark but we're in week 2 and I honestly aught too be £1600 already!

However this is possible and I am not giving up.

The video is live now... I'm quite embarrassed by my facial expressions, but kudos to the camera person/editor/director for having the patience of a saint!!! For those that don't know this video is for my crowd funding pitch which should go live tomorrow, I’m hoping that it will give my 4k in 4weeks challenge a massive boost.

So my SUNDAY SAVER DISCOUNT CODE is SSDC only available to use on until Midnight tonight!! lets spread this code far and wide and see how many orders can come in online. I do a world wide postage service so it doesn't matter where you are in the world I can help!

Facebook has been a fantastic tool so far, but it would be great if when you share the RelaxAhh posts you ask your friends too share too... this way the audience can grow and grow rather than just reaching the same people the whole time.

The footfall around my shop hasn't been great, I can't afford a massive marketing budget, so I have really used Facebook as my main marketing tools. There are some pro's and cons to doing this but I can't express how much it has helped so far. Nor can I express the difference that every single share makes. I am so completely depending on having an amazing network on Facebook!

I have written some Press Releases recently in the hope that I can attract some press interest. This would be a great tool of marketing and advertising.

The website is coming along nicely – nearly all of the products are now online... there are a few left to go up and then I will edit them all to add even better descriptions and a list of ingredients etc. But all of our products are natural and great for your skin, including sensitive skin. We also do a personalized service where with an e-mail to us at we can make products to your specification and for your skin.

We haven't had any more party bookings today so if you want to join us on the 19th or the 20th April for our soapy party – its £6.00 for you and bring a friend for free. All guests will receive a goody bag too.

I have been keeping my eyes out for all sorts of ways to make money. I have been in conversations with lots of fantastic businesses who have been coming up with lots of fab ideas, so watch this space... hopefully I will be full of updates come the weekend.

Thank you all for your support – please keep it up. Thank You! :)

Closing Balance: 824.37

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Day 10 - Saturday 6th April

Opening Balance: 635.70

Wow what a weird and wonderful (with a hint of low) past 24 hours. Last night I mentioned how difficult it all was at the moment, how important it was too share the blog as far and as wide as possible, and lots of you lovelies did share it so a huge thank you. The difference it made was huge, the blog readers went up by over 100, Facebook and the Website had a spurt of orders and I am immensely pleased and would quite like to give you all a hug!! Thank you, but the hard work isn't quite over. We're on Day 10 and I need to keep upping the anti. 

As you probably know yesterday was really tough and I was really deflated, but this lovely comment cheered me up no end, 

"I know it's hard not to be deflated but keep going. You have lots of support from everyone and we're all routing for you as much for our sake as fellow small businesses as for yours. If you can do it so can we. Have faith :))"

This really has given me another boost of energy because that is so true. I want to prove it is possible, not just to rescue my business but also to show other businesses not to give up, keep at it, try new things, market yourself effectively and anything is possible. I am a big believer that if you dream it you can achieve it... (now I hope that my beliefs are proved right)

I have quite literally cried through my day today, there were a few stressed tears, at the sight of a business rate bill, that has resulted in a potential liability order when I'm supposed to be under Business Tax Relief, but also tears of such laughter.... we started to make a crowdfunder video today. I am not naturally good at talking into a camera to put it lightly... Its a simple strait forward video - but that's not to say I don't want to create an awesome 1950's promotional video, but time and resources are not on my side. The out-take videos are just so funny I may have to upload those as well!! 

I have declared the reward system that will go onto my Crowd Funder Pitch as well. After all I'm not after 'donations'! I'm after making my business work.

On other news the new website is live on and will soon be live and taking over Both sites can be used to save confusion.

If you'd like to join our Soapy Party being held on the eve of 19th and afternoon of the 20th then please send an e-mail or a PM to or 

Lets keep spreading the word, lets make it reach Timbuktu and beyond! :) Thank You everyone. 

Closing Balance: 771.41

Friday, 5 April 2013

Day 9 - Friday 5th April

Opening Balance: 615.22

Well its Day 9 and I'm not the happiest bunny in the world. Today a grand total of £20.48. In order to achieve £4000 I had to make on average £153.00 a day. Unfortunately we have only hit that once during the last 9 days. I'm trying not to feel too deflated but unfortunately I am. I don't want to give up, I still believe that it is possible. So its time for another HUGE push please. Please spread it around all social network sites, and send it far and wide, aim for friends of friends not just friends.

I appreciate the support that has been shown so far but as one customer said,

"If every one of us that 'likes' RelaxAhh buys just one thing, then this will make a HUGE difference! Think about it..... A £1.50 lip balm to put aside for a Xmas stocking filler is less than buying the Xmas card that you will send!"  

On other news the new website is live on and will soon be live and taking over Both sites can be used to save confusion.

If you'd like to join our Soapy Party being held on the eve of 19th and afternoon of the 20th then please send an e-mail or a PM to or

That's all from me today as I have been making endless products and doing lots of networking. I have managed to gain a place at Tehidy Golf Club Pamper event, which will be a chance to gain lots more PR and spread the word some more.

Thank You every one.

Closing Balance: 635.70

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Day 8 - Thursday 4th April

Opening Balance: 500.56

Well its Day One of week 2 of my 4K in 4weeks Challenge/situation. It has been a brilliant day, from meeting really supportive fantastic people, some lovely customers, and some good friends.

Today I've been taught that there are other ways to look at a situation and there are options and solutions even if I don't quite know what they are yet.

I have been so busy making today my online presence has dropped to almost nothing! But tonight I'll have another online binging session and spread the word again. If you could all help by sharing, tweeting, commenting, liking etc etc, it really does make a massive difference! I thank you all!! :)

Being a small business in this current climate is truly difficult, but today I was talking to a fellow business person about how online marketing works and reaching friends of friends and spreading roots as far and wide as possible. Its a concept I am really trying to achieve at the moment and I wondered how I could successfully do this!

So on the evening of Friday 19th and on the afternoon of the 20th April I am going to run my Very Own Soap Party and you are all invited - though booking is a must. Pay £6.00 for two hours of a Workshop! Make a Face-mask and a Soap and decorate packaging, with Tea and Coffee included. Bring a Friend for free. :) Every one that turns up will receive a goody bag too!! How can you resist!

If you'd like to book e-mail me at or pop onto and send me a PM!

So its the end of week one and so far I tweeted endless celebrities, started a Crowdfunder Pitch, applied to Deborah Meadens Investment pitch, been in the shop for 7 days, come up with lots of fresh new ideas, had some amazing advice from lots of different angles, designed a whole new website, made and delivered 15 orders, e-mailed the MP, and gained a whopping 50 new likes on Facebook.

Wow! So thank you all for your support! It has been greatly appreciated! Lets keep spreading the word.

Closing Balance: 615.22

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Day 7 - Wednesday 3rd April

Opening Balance: 466.82

There's not a massive amount to report today. It's the end of week one, and I've just touched £500.00. Thank you to every one that has helped it reach that point, It is really appreciated.

The new website should be live within 24 hours, which is fantastic news as its so much easier to navigate than the current website.

I've posted 99% of the orders today, with the last ones being dispatched tomorrow. Incidentally I cant believe how much the postage has gone up, talk about making it difficult for small businesses.

I'm still battling updating various Folksy shops and the shop, but my brain has become that addled that I've given myself a bit of a break today.

Today I wanted to talk about how we price products. Its been a topic that's been brought up over the last few days in relation to how you price art, how you price crafts and how you price products. I've been watching a few those programs on TV about 'Sales' and the like and how pricing a product too cheaply can affect your customers opinion.

As a result I figured I'd spread some knowledge on how I price my products - that's not to say I always get it right.

Research into how other companies priced their soap was a starting point. Prices ranged from £1.50 to £13.00!! Yes £13.00 for a bar soap. I would never charge that. But if I could cover my costs and charge £1.00 for a bar of soap, would people buy it? Would customers see it as good high quality soap with natural ingredients and no chemicals? I would of course sell some. I remember doing my Business Course through the Princes Trust two years ago and they said to me, that as much as I wanted to keep my products cheap, don't undersell myself and the quality of the product.

Next I have to look at how much all my ingredients cost, and then add a little profit, (because I do want to eat!) and then take in to account various overheads.

And then of course there's the time it takes to make everything.

After taking the above into account I came up with my pricing that was both competitive with other companies selling high quality soaps, and also covering my costs, (providing I sell any that is!)

Alex Polizzi (a hero of mine,) discussed Sales and the like in one of her TV programs, she said Yes, everyone loves a bargain, but there has to be a limit, too many bargains and sales, then you look desperate and like your products aren't worth the money you were originally asking for. Its an interesting point, how do you find the fine line? We do all love a bargain and promotional offers always work a treat, but you also have to make your business look like its worth the money, and there's no point undercutting yourself.

So I plan on running promotional offers and the like, but I'm certainly not going to do a 30% off sale or something, not only would it not be worth it and I may as well shut the shop door tomorrow, the idea that it would in fact put some customers off is enough to stop me, although I am thinking of running an awesome Loyalty Scheme because I do love all of my wonderful customers.

Finally today I just wanted to say another big thank you - we have got to £500.00! But it is time for another huge push I have 3 weeks left to make another whopping £3500! I still believe its possible and I know my awesome customers think so too, so lets keep spreading word far and wide! Shout it from the ceilings! I certainly am! :)

Don't forget the website and the facebook page

We've attacked Twitter too so lets get #4wks4000 trending!

Cheers everyone!

Closing Balance: 500.56

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Day 6 - Tuesday 2nd April

Opening Balance: 371.23

Well it has been such a positive day! Not necessarily in a monetary way, but certainly in an action way, I can feel the wheels a turning and things are happening. 

Firstly a huge Thank You to my sharers and likers, once again you are all awesome!

Secondly - My Crowd Funder Application was approved! That's not the end of the hard work, with a video to make and a full pitch that people will buy into I'm sure to be busy! I'm in need of someone good with a camera and editing! I will give full credit if anyone is anyone is willing to help and the video will spread through Crowd Funder and also through YouTube!! :) I'm still loving the 1950's idea, so will be calling on the lovely Limelite business - and can't wait to work with them and see what awesome costume will be used! Exciting!

Today I've sent my local MP an e-mail, seeing if I can drum up some more support, (thanks to a very good friend that helped me to write it!) This however leads me on to a topic that is close to my heart for obvious reasons.

"Between 350,000 and 400,000 businesses, or approximately 10 percent of 
the total stock, close each year. Most businesses that close are micro or small 
firms because these constitute the most numerous and the most vulnerable sector. Thus, many firms that close are not registered for VAT, mainly because 
they fall below the turnover threshold (as of April 2001, £54,000 p.a.)
Source :

The above quote is very relevant to our current economic situation. Businesses are closing all the time, due to a vast range of reasons, but I find it interesting how it states how small and micro firms are at such risk because the turnover isn't high.

With the current global and UK economics as they are it isn't really a surprise that businesses are closing almost quicker than they are opening. The banks and the government aren't exactly switched on into aiding small businesses, and now with steadily rising postage costs its becoming even more difficult for small businesses to make and sell products at competitive prices, whereas the large corporations with massively high turnovers can afford to slash prices causing them to appear more appealing to the consumer. 

So what can we do, we know what our products are worth and we want our businesses to survive? We can't always just roll over and put it down to experience. 

So first there's the questions all businesses have to ask? Is the Business viable? Is the Product good? Am I pricing the Products accurately and fairly competitively whilst still holding there worth? How well is the Business being marketed? If at that stage your happy with all the answers then it is time to be radical. 

We shouldn't be afraid to get media and political attention to help our business survive and in turn this will help other small businesses. We need to encourage everyone to shop local, shop with small businesses where your feeding a family, rather than large corporations where yes they supply lots of jobs but also take a HUGE chunk of profit. 

I walk through the high street of the local towns and all I see are shops slowly shutting down, rents need to be lower and customers need to be higher. And ALL small business owners need to be taking this point to local town councils and local MP's - not, may I add in an aggressive angry way, but in a way where as a local community we have to do things to attract locals to buy from the smaller businesses, incentives such as free parking, regular farmers markets, High Street Loyalty schemes. Smaller businesses always thrive from community, so for smaller businesses to start to thrive again, we need to create a community.  

As business owners we should all be practised in being creative and thinking out of the box, in doing this we should be able to turn around the fortunes of small businesses. 

I don't want to give up and roll over, and I hope that all other small businesses don't either. So together we can all make a difference, and those that don't own a small business can help too, by sharing their favourite small businesses and spreading the word, and by shopping locally and small! 

On an entirely different note I'm pleased to say RelaxAhh are completely up to date with orders, so get your orders in!! :) hehe!! 

Closing Balance: £466.82

Monday, 1 April 2013

Day 5 - Monday 1st April

Opening Balance: 280.26

Howdi Everyone, Hope you've all had a fab day! I've got over my lack of energy I had yesterday and I'm back up ready and raring to go today. I've been busy packing up all of your orders ready for posting and been busy replenishing stock.

You all deserve a massive Thank You every day, so here's another one! Thank You!

The power of Facebook has been amazing, and on two days in particular there were 30 odd shares of the blog post!! These were also the days I got the most online orders so Thank You. But we've reached the hardest bit now, how to spread the word beyond friends and family! So I am requesting that as many of us share this blog or the Facebook page as far and as wide as you can.

So here's the deal... Anyone that reads this Blog can order a box of 4 mixed soaps for £6.00 provided they state - BLOG.4.6. and message me on Facebook. Now that's an offer worth sharing as this would usually cost £12.00 PLUS P&P!  Send me your order in PM with your e-mail and I will send you a Paypal invoice for it.

I need to write a very small sentence about our Workshops and Birthday Parties... any that are booked for after our 4 weeks WILL still go ahead whether we succeed or not! Just if I don't succeed I won't be taking any more bookings. I would never not commit to arrangements made and never let kids down, so please if your thinking of booking, or have already booked, do not worry and perhaps those bookings could even help us achieve this.

I'm busy trying to grab the attention of the media and perhaps even some Celebs.... This turns out to be harder than it looks... if I wasn't in the shop 7 days a week I'd be visiting the television studios,, juggling soap whilst riding an Elephant and they probably still wouldn't notice, but if everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, Shouts about it, how can they not notice!!!

Don't forget our twitter hash tag #4wks4000 and lets try and get that trending too!!

I think I'm going to explore the idea of Video advertising more, I know that some people have mentioned it on Facebook and we'll probably have to make one for the Crowd Funding page so I think I'm going to see what wonderful ideas you all have for some cool videos and hopefully make them a reality! Perhaps this could even be a competition I could run - I will think up an awesome prize and post up some kind of Competition tomorrow.

Once again Thank You! And keep going - Your all Awesome!! :)

Closing Balance: 371.23