Its been a really lovely Sunday, had some friends visit in the shop which ended up being a fantastic business thinking session! We're changing some of our packages a little, better value for you and better value for us! :)
Facebook has started to get a bit quieter, Massive thank you to every one that is already, but in order to achieve this challenge it really does take everyone to get behind it, to share something, to like something! :) Thank You
Crowd Funder is the other place that needs a HUGE push. That money does not leave your account and I don't get anything unless it reaches £2000.00 - Please please share it and tell every one all about it!
Crowd Funder isn't something for nothing!!! There are amazing rewards!
I made an etsy shop today too!! As you all know from earlier in the blog - that's a big deal!! Well I've only gone and done it!!! I hope that brings in some more customers and income!! :D
Ok that's it for this eve from me I need to eat a roast dinner. Thank You everyone for your support!!!
Closing Balance: £1118.93
CrowdFunder Balance: £295.00
Well done on sorting out the etsy shop! Hope it'll bring you a boost. Everything crossed for you :))